Can I use bleach for mold removal?

Can I use bleach for mold removal?

Have you come across the unsightly appearance and ghastly smell of mold in your home? Quick, grab the bleach and get spraying!  Bleach kills everything doesn’t it?  Well in the case of your recently acquired mold contamination bleach will only make things worse.  Let’s take a look why.

Will bleach kill any kind of mold?

Bleach serves a primary function to disinfect and, in some cases, change the color of the media its applied to.  Bleach can be used to eliminate mold on hard non-porous substrates.  Surfaces like tiles, sinks, and even glass all serve as examples.  Mold can never grow or penetrate its root into a hard nonporous surface.  This is not a viable food source for mold.  Instead, mold that appears on these types of objects is growing on surface dust, soap residue, or some other related buildup.  Since the root of the mold spore is not growing through these hard non-porous substrates the mold is easily wiped off.  For this reason, many assume that bleach is the answer when dealing with all mold contamination.  This simply isn’t true.

Why not?

In the case of mold growth found on porous materials such as sheetrock, wood, textiles, and more the root of the mold spore is growing in these materials.  The spore will spread its roots deep into these substrates for nutrients.  This is what causes the mold to not only colonize but contaminate everything around it.  So, you spray bleach on black mold you found, and it disappears.  Yes, maybe so, because the chlorine changed the color of the mold.  Out of site out of mind, right?  Wrong!

Using bleach to treat mold not only jeopardizes your health but makes the problem worse!

 In spraying a mold infested surface like drywall with bleach, followed by wiping it you have now disturbed the spores and their fragments into the air.  Microscopically these will land on surfaces near the treated area, even worse, releasing them in the air you’re breathing.  Bleach is also made of 90% water.  When sprayed, the chlorine content of bleach dries in minutes, leaving behind all that water to dry on its own.  Molds need water to grow.  You have now saturated the substrate with water.  No wonder its only a matter of weeks, if not days before that unsightly mold stain is back, this time with vengeance.

In addition to cross contamination, bleach can have just as many negative health affects as mold.  Household bleach isn’t toxic in nature, but prolonged exposure can be harmful to humans, animals, and even plants.  When bleach is in a gaseous state it releases dioxin.  This is known to be cancer causing.  It can also have negative effects on one’s vision, breathing, and skin irritation.  Even with proper personal protective equipment these gases can linger and be just as damaging as mold contamination. 

So how do I get rid of my mold problem?  

It’s imperative to call a mold remediation specialist when dealing with indoor mold growth.  Depending on the amount of mold, the substrate its growing on, and the extent of infestation a protocol will be provided.  Keep in mind that results of removing mold infested materials is just one goal of the remediation.  Equally as important is restoring the indoor air quality of the said area.  There are different ways to achieve these end remediation goals.  Take advantage of our free estimates and get a consultation today.  You can Rest Assured while we Restore!  

1 Comment(s)

  • Capt. Greg Olsen

    Very helpful, so what you are saying is bleach only works on solid surfaces like counter tops or glass, good to know. Thanks for the information.

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